
Good Morning Kathy & Pauline,

Our family wanted to express how much we appreciate all your help and LOVE you have given mom and our family.

From the first day we met Amanda (who is amazing) to have mom come to Thelma Place once a week, we knew this was the right home for mom.

Then we met Pauline a true angel and amazing person she helped us thru every step of the process and also has been a good friend that we will cherish going forward.

Kathy, Grayson, Charlene words can’t express how much you all care for your residents.

Along with everyone we have met on your team at Country Side they are amazing humans with great compassion and love for your residents.

It was so touching when they all wanted to come in on Saturday morning to pay their respect to mom it touched our hearts forever.

We came back on Sunday to remove mom’s clothes. We left some jewelry that did not belong to her and her basket of dirty clothes that we were told was ok and you can either give them away or dispose of them. Also left her shampoo etc which also can be used by others or tossed.

Please let us know if we need to do anything else from us or what are the next steps needed would be greatly appreciated.


Wanda & Rich Bardy

It's Lisa, daughter of Linda Frantz. I wanted to tell you how grateful I am to have had my Mom at CSL. Every time I left her after a visit, it was tough. Not because of your facility, but because the entire situation was so heartbreaking. When I would visit in the evenings after work, it was always easier for me to leave when Charlene was there. I know Mom was taken care of very well by every caregiver, but I found a great deal of comfort in Charlene. I really felt like Charlene was family. In my Mom's last few days when I was staying all night, I really connected with Ashey. Like with Charlene, she was a great comfort to me.

It seems that every person working in the building, including caregivers, kitchen staff, and housekeeping offered to help us in any way they could. It's very clear that your staff really cares for the residents and their families. When I first arrived and saw the comfort cart in Mom's room it was a reality check, and my heart sank. That comfort cart, and meals, really helped me get through those last days. Thank you for that, I wouldn't have eaten otherwise.

I would not have wanted my Mom to live her final days anywhere else. The care she received was excellent. I know it must have been a few long nights for nighttime caregivers, but they were so committed to Mom's comfort. I really appreciated the visits from caregivers as often as they came in. That was a very scary time and knowing help was close by made all the difference in the world.

Kathy, I want you to know I see that Grayson is a quality young man. As you know, he is so kind and professional and will be excellent as he moves up in administration.

I have the highest degree of appreciation for you and every person who took care of Mom in her final months. When I think back to this time, I have a sense of peace knowing she was being respected, taken care of well, and treated like family at CSL.

Lisa Edmondson

Dementia is a long hard journey for families, and after several assisted living placements, both my parents were fortunate to live at Countryside. The staff is wonderful and well trained in compassionate care for both residents and family members. The facility is beautiful and feels like home. Staff is always out interacting with residents, providing hugs, crafts, snacks and activities, live music and dancing. Note the lack of interaction at other facilities you may visit. My dad enjoyed, hanging out by the warm fireplace and just observing. My mother enjoyed the daily visits from the children at the daycare upstairs, and especially the weekly scenic drives that end with a ice cream cone at a local restaurant. Countryside is a special place and many medical folks and others have said to me, that’s where they would want to go if needed. I agree and cannot thank the staff and administration for the compassionate care my parents and my family received. Both my parents have passed now, I feel relief that this long journey has ended for all of us. I am forever grateful for the care, community feel and many hugs we received.

-Leilani Resney
